Adaptris Deutschland GmbH
Treuburger Str. 13
28779 Bremen, Germany

Tel: +49 (0)173 9399953

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Integration bedeutet die elektronische Verwirklichung von Geschäftsbeziehungen

  • Reduced complexity with fewer interfaces
    The number of interfaces is reduced drastically by the re-use of conversions and intelligent routing. This also reduces the required time for creation, administration and maintenance.
  • Separation of business logic and interface logic
    The modelling of business logic is independent to the development of the interfaces and mappings.
  • Flexibility, re-usability and the use of standards
    Modular construction and standardised procedures allow agile actions.
  • EAI as the basis for web portals
    Web portals and Web applications are easier to set up when an EAI infrastructure already exists. These portals present various application possibilities in the form of a unified web interface.

  • EAI as a starting point for B2B, SCM, CRM and e-commerce
    Automated business to business communications, supply chain management, customer relationship management and integrated process chains across company boundaries present a unified access to many different data and functions.
  • EAI as a starting point for SOA, BPI and RTE
    Modern IT strategies such as service-oriented architecture, business process integration and real-time enterprise require EAI.
  • EAI for IT coupling after mergers
    M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) require the coupling of previously separate IT- systems. EAI makes this possible as a gradual process during operations.
